

What I did.. What I learned...

- Read the Documentation here

- Install per FTP here

- Problem with german Umlaute öäü at database transfers...

let the tiki make the whole database...
Only import content from old database...
I had the old database in mysql3. When importing I chose latin1, and everything went fine...

- Use the IRC

- At the moment Id like to use trackers for a a little shopsystem
Im on it...
problem is to understand mose code..
But ithink i will write a function to exclude a line of a tracker from the database and send it per mail...


my own site: www.kalong.de
my tiki testing: Testsite

This new domain is hosted at ))Host-Europe(( in Germany..

Its a Webpack M
Costs 2.99€ per month

- 200 MB Webspace
- 100 Subdomains
- 50 GB Traffic
- 200 ))E-Mail-Adr.((
- 1 Mysql...

At the moment everything is working fine...
In a view weeks I will write my experience in Tikifriendlyhosts

Created by: Last Modification: Friday 20 September 2019 17:01:21 GMT-0000 by drsassafras
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