

Our Mission - To become a multilingual, community based and community maintained resource for artists using the Ultra Fractal program written by Frederik Slijkerman.

Note - ultrafractal.org is an independent effort and is in no way affiliated with ultrafractal.com

This site is built on the TikiWiki Content Management System. It contains a Wiki, of which this page is a part. Wikis are ideal for collaborative projects, and it is our hope that you, the user, will feel free to make this your space by contributing.

  • The first step is to register for a login. To do that, click on the Register link in the box at the upper right corner of this page.
  • Look around, try things out. Feel free to add links to the directory, or images to the image galleries. Especially feel free to add to the Glossary in your language. If you don't see a glossary for your language, please ask for one. Remember, this is your site, too.
  • Enjoy yourself.

Eveline & Susan

Created by: Last Modification: Friday 20 September 2019 17:01:21 GMT-0000 by drsassafras
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