

The modules are administered from the module administration screen:

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The screen is divided in 4 parts:

  • User modules
  • Assign modules
  • Assigned modules
  • Create/edit modules

User modules

User modules are modules where the content can be anything you want. You can use text, you can use HTML code and you can also use Smarty templates special instructions, we ll talk about these advanced options later.

First let's see how to edit, remove and create user modules. This is the user module listing in the admin modules panel:

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This shows a list of user modules and you have the option to edit or delete a module, user modules are created or edited in this same screen at the bottom.

Assign module

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This is where you can assign a module to be displayed on the left or right side bar of the application, you have to select the module name, the position (left or right) and the order, modules will be displayed in an ascending order way so module 1 goes first then 2, etc. If two modules share the same order value they will be displayed in random order but never before a module with a lower number or before a module with a higher order.

Cache Time is the time that the module content can be in the cache (regardelss of this number some modules are never cached), if a module can be cached then it will be refreshed after the indicated time passes. Use 0 if you don t want modules to be cached.

Rows are the maximum number of rows a module will display if that makes sense to the module, modules displaying rankings or listings will use this number.

Groups is used to select which groups will see the module if it is assigned. Note that if you don t select at list one group no one will be able to see the module. If more than one group is selected then the module will be displayed if the user belongs to ANY of the groups selected.

Note: There s a setting in the main admin panel called display modules to all groups always when this setting is checked modules will be displayed always without examining the user group.
Note: If you enable the option to let users configure modules then when you assign a new module it won't be displayed until you configure it from your user preferences->configure modules screen. Admin is a normal user so he must configure the module too!

Assigned modules

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This part of the screen shows currently assigned modules and their order, cache,groups and number of rows. There re two tables, one for the modules at the left bar and other for the modules at the right bar. You can edit (assign) a module, remove it (it will only unassign the module, you can reassigned later) and you can also move the module up or down one position using the up/down links.

Edit/Create user module

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This allows the creation of a new user module, you need to indicate the name (used in the select box to assign the module), the title and the data that will be displayed, the data must be HTML (any since you are admin). The right part of this panel can be used to help you include some objects that can be used in user modules, you can include in an user module:

  • A poll (it will display the form to vote for the indicated poll) {poll id=n}
  • Any poll from the active polls {poll}
  • The current value of a dynamic content block {content id=n}
  • A random value from a dynamic content block {rcontent id=n}~/np * An RSS feed ~np~{rss id=n}
  • A banner {banner zone=foo}~/np !!Including the current date in user modules The following syntax can be used to display the current server date on a module: ~np~{showdate mode="d/m/Y h:i"}

Where mode is any valid format for the PHP "date" function (see the date function on the PHP manual).

Including dynamic content in user modules

You can include dynamic blocks in a user module using a simple syntax:

Today quote: {content id=3}

In the example we are including the current version of the dynamic block 3 . You can create/edit and program dynamic blocks using the Dynamic Content System (DCS). Read about the DCS in the DCS section to learn more.

Including banners in user modules

If you want you can include a banner in a user module, using the following syntax:

{banner zone=sidebar}

Where zone must be the name of an existing zone in the banners system and there should be at least one banner assigned to the zone (or nothing will be displayed). You can learn more about banners in the banners section.

Including polls in user modules

You can display the form to vote a poll in a user module using the syntax

{poll id=n}

If you want Tiki to display the form to vote some (random) poll from all the active polls you can use:


You can use the following function to display one random image from an Imagegallery:

{gallery id=n}

Including RSS feeds in user modules

You can display the content of an RSS feed from another site in a user module after you created the feed (see using external RSS feeds later on this section), the syntax is:

{rss id=n max=m}

It will display the rss feed with id=n and it will display up to m elements from the feed.

Advanced editing

If you are not familiar with Smarty the template engine used by Tiki you should skip this section. User modules are parsed by the Smarty template engine before being displayed, you may have noticed that dynamic content and banners are included using two special Tiki smarty plugins. So if you know about Smarty template editing you can use any Smarty tag in your user modules. You can do loops, if constructions, includes, etc.

If you want to learn about Smarty visit http://smarty.php.net you will find the Smarty documentation there that you can use in order to check out what can you use in your user modules.

Available System Modules

Some modules are already defined by Tiki, this is the list of modules distributed with this version of tiki.

Module Uses Rows? Cache? Description
Application menu N N The application menu (normally you don t want to remove/unassign this module)
Calendar N N A calendar Please see the calendar module below.
Comm received objects N Y A summary of objects received in your site from other sites.
Featured Links Y Y Featured links
Forum best voted topics Y Y The messages with the best scores from the forums
Forums last topics Y Y The last topics in the forums
Forums most commented topics Y Y The topics with most replies in the forums
Forums most read topics Y Y The most read topics
Forums most visited Y Y The most visited forums
Last articles Y Y Last published articles
Last file galleries Y Y Last modified file galleries
Last files Y Y Last uploaded files to file galleries
Last Galleries Y Y Last modified galleries
Last Modified Y Y Last modified pages
Last modified blogs Y Y Last modified weblogs
Last submissions Y Y Last submited articles (pending of approval)
Logged users N N Number of online users
Login Box N N The login box
Logo Box N N Logo box, shows the tiki logo linking to tiki-index.php
My Pages N N Pages created by the user
MyGalleries N N Galleries created by the user
Number of submissions N Y Number of pending submissions
Old articles Y Y Old articles (articles not displayed in the articles home page)
Search Box N N The search box. NOTE: You can give focus to the search box pressing ALT+s (Windows) or CTRL+s (Mac)
Top active blogs Y Y Most active weblogs
Top articles Y Y Most read articles
Top file galleries Y Y Most visited (accessed) file galleries
Top files Y Y Most downloaded files
Top Galleries Y Y Most accessed galleries
Top Images Y Y Most accessed images from the galleries listing the image name.
Top Images th Y Y Most accessed images from the galleries listing the image thumbnail.
Top Pages Y Y Most accessed pages
Top visited blogs Y Y Top visited weblogs
User blogs N N Blogs created by the user
BreadCrumb N N The last n Wiki pages visited by the user, the n number is configured from the Wiki section of the admin screen.
QuickEdit N N Displays a box where you can enter tha name of a wiki page to create/editi it inmediately.
User Bookmarks N N Displays user bookmarks and has the chance to create new bookmarks or folders (please see the user bookmarks section)
Top games Y Y Most played games from the games section
Top quizzes Y Y Most visited quizzes
Last quizzes Y Y Last "n" quizzes
Shout box Y N The last "n" messages in the shout box plus a textarea to enter new messages (if permissions = ok) Since your last visit N Y Information of new things in the site since the last user visit.
Google search N N A box to search google (results open in a new window)
Tiki 1.8
switch_themennchange theme (can work if you are not logged in - change your pref if you are logged in) (cookie tiki-theme)
switch-langnnchange language(can work if you are not logged in - change your pref if you are logged in)(session variable)

Configuring modules

If enabled from the admin screen you can allow registered users to configure the modules they will see in the side bars of Tiki. The rules are:

  • If no configuration is made the user will see modules as configured from the modules administration screen
  • The user can remove modules, change the position and order of modules but they can t display modules that are not assigned by the admin from the modules admin screen.
  • The user can recover the default configuration with a single click whenever he wants

The following screen is used to let the user manage modules:

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The user can move the modules up/down they can move a module to the other column and they can unassign modules (the login box and application menu cannot be unassigned). If the user unassigns a module he will be able to assign the module to any column in any position if he wants.

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Special modules: The calendar module

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The calendar module if enabled can be used to control some aspects of the Tiki application. First of all it is a normal calendar that can be navigated changing the month and year and you can always return to the day for today clicking the today link. When you click on a day the calendar will mark it as the current day for the page you are viewing, if you change the page the calendar will go back to today .

How the calendar affects articles

For the articles home only articles with a publishing date lower than the day selected in the calendar will be displayed, this can be used to see the articles home for any previous day. If the date is future and you are admin you can see future versions of the home using to-be-published articles. If you are not admin you won t see future articles.

How the calendar affects blogs

For the blogs system any weblog will only display posts with dates equal or lower than the date selected in the calendar. If the date is future it is the same as today since we don t have posts with a future publishing date yet in the blogs system.

Note that once you select a date in the calendar it won t remain selected if you change the page you are viewing it will be restored to the current date.

related links: UserModule

Page last modified on Tuesday 29 May 2007 17:46:16 GMT-0000