

Hi everybody!

This is my personal little, micro page at Tikiwiki official website biggrin

Here I post some codes and others things about Tikiwiki system that I learn. If you like to know my real website, point the browser to http://www.michelazzo.com.br

Yes, I'm brazilian! And I speak portuguese :-)

Changing last posts on blog
I use the last_post_blogs to show my changes in the personal blog. But, this module show only the date (a bug?) and when the user click in the news, go to blog page, not the blog message.

So, i change this module and now work very well. Look the code:

Copy to clipboard
Some code above.... <tr> {if $nonums != 'y'}<td class="module" valign="top">{$smarty.section.ix.index_next})</td>{/if} <td class="module"> <b>{$modLastBlogPosts[ix].blogTitle}:</b><br/> <a class="linkmodule" href="tiki-view_blog_post.php?blogId={$modLastBlogPosts[ix].blogId} \ &postId={$modLastBlogPosts[ix].postId}">{$modLastBlogPosts[ix].title} </a> </td> </tr> Some code below...

The line <a class... was changed

With this change, everyone can see the title of the post and when click, goes to blog message.

Portuguese Brazilian translation (tradução para o português)
If you need the lasted version of the pt-br translation, send me a message. Everytime i change the file to make a good job in my wonderful language.

Se você precisa da última versão da tradução do português-Brasil para o Tikiwiki, envie uma mensagem. Estou sempre atualizando o arquivo para que fique condizente com nosso maravilhoso idioma.

Page last modified on Tuesday 06 April 2004 10:10:02 GMT-0000