Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware 12.0 Beta is now available for download

Bernard Sfez -

The release team is pleased to announce that the public beta of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware 12.0 Beta is now available for download.

This beta release is made available to allow a broad user base to test and evaluate the next major version of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware.

Tiki 12.x is our next Long Term Support (LTS) version and it will be supported for 5 years (until 2018). The Tiki community and especially the test and development team have done (and are still doing 😉 some awesome work to deliver a very stable version of Tiki.

New Versions of all supported versions of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

admin -

The Tiki Community proudly announces maintenance and security updates to all of the major branches of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware:

  • Tiki 11.1
  • Tiki 10.4 (This is the final release of the 10.x branch)
  • Tiki 9.7LTS
  • Tiki 6.13LTS

These releases include several security fixes, including one critical one, and several bug fixes (and minor enhancements in 10.4 and 11.1). It is very important for sites to be upgraded to the latest versions.

Please refer to the documentation for each release ( https://doc.tiki.org/tiki11 , https://doc.tiki.org/tiki10 , https://doc.tiki.org/tiki9 , and https://doc.tiki.org/tiki6 , respectively) for complete details.

Note that the release of Tiki 11.1 marks the closure of the Tiki 10.x branch — no new releases on the 10.x branch are planned.
Minimal release patches for 5, 7 and 8 will soon be also available to make updating easier, although updating to a supported LTS branch at least is strongly recommended.

Which Version is Right for Me?
The Tiki Version Lifecycle page ( http://info.tiki.org/Version+Lifecycle ) will help you choose the right version to install. To download Tiki, visit: http://tiki.org/download .

Security Fixes
These releases include the following security patches:

  • An XSS vulnerability discovered by Yuji Tounai ( http://bogus.jp ) as reported to Tiki by JPCERT Coordination Center (JPCERT/CC) (JVN#81813850 / TN: JPCERT#94723715).
  • An SQLI vulnerability discovered by Yuji Tounai ( http://bogus.jp ) as reported to Tiki by JPCERT Coordination Center (JPCERT/CC) (JVN#75720314 / TN: JPCERT#91009009).
  • An XSS vulnerability discovered by Nikhil Kumar Srivastava from Techdefence Labs and Jinen Patel; subsequently coordinated with CERT Coordination Center (cert@cert.org) (CERT VU#450646).

Several New Tiki Releases

Rick -

The past few days have seen new releases of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware in all its major branches.

Tiki 11.0
This is the next major version of Tiki, and includes a host of new features and enhancements such as:

  • Tiki Console, used to administer your Tiki installation via a command line (based on Symfony's Console Component)
  • Improved File Gallery management
  • Several new themes
  • Enhancements to Trackers including new fields and inline editing
  • Support for Gravatar avatars, Bing Translator, and Google Translate 2
  • Multiple new modules and wiki plugins

For complete information on all the new features in Tiki 11, see http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki11.

Tiki 10.4
This is a maintenance release for the Tiki 10.x branch. The Tiki 10.x branch will be closed upon the release of Tiki 11.1.

Tiki 9.6 LTS
This is a maintenance and security release for the Tiki 9.x LTS (long term support) branch. Tiki 9.x is supported until November 2015 (when Tiki 16 is released)

Tiki 6.12 LTS
This is a maintenance and security release for the Tiki 6.x LTS (long term support) branch. Tiki 6.x is supported until May 2014 (when Tiki 13 is released)

Which Version is Right for Me?
The Tiki Version Lifecycle page (http://info.tiki.org/Version+Lifecycle) will help you choose the right version to install.

Nouveau : Découvrez le programme d'affiliation d'hébergement Web Tiki

rick, pianoliv -

Vous êtes à la recherche d'un hébergeur web pour votre site web propulsé par Tiki ? L'association communautaire Tiki (Tiki Software Community Association, l'association à but non lucratif qui supervise Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware) a conclu des ententes d'affiliation avec plusieurs sociétés d'hébergement web.

Ces ententes d'affiliation présentent une superbe opportunité pour toute la communauté Tiki :

  • Les administrateurs de sites web propulsés par Tiki obtiennent un hébergement à un prix raisonnable.
  • L'association communautaire Tiki touche des honoraires d'affiliation pour chaque nouvelle inscription au programme (via cette page).
  • L'hébergeur web se coordonnera avec la communauté Tiki pour aider à améliorer les performances et la sécurité du logiciel.

Note : L'inclusion d'un hébergeur ou programme particulier ne signifie pas nécessairement une approbation de ce dernier par l'association communautaire Tiki.

Announcing the Tiki Web Host Affiliate Program

Rick -

Looking for a web host on which run your Tiki-powered site? The Tiki Software Community Association (the not-for-profit legal entity that oversees Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware) has entered into affiliate agreements with several web hosting companies.

These affiliate agreements present a great opportunity for the entire Tiki Community:

  • Tiki site administrators get a web host with reasonable pricing
  • The Tiki Software Community Association earns an affiliate fee for each new signup (through our Hosting page).
  • The web hosts will also coordinate with the Tiki community to help improve performance and security.

Note: Inclusion of a specific web host or program does not necessarily constitute an endorsement by the Tiki Software Community Association.

Supportez Tiki - Nominez le pour les Critics Choice CMS Awards

Rick, pianoliv - - ( Reads)

Les Critics Choice CMS Awards acceptent en ce moment les nominations pour 2013... et la communauté Tiki a besoin de votre support ! Les nominations sont ouvertes jusqu'au 1er août 2013. Les sélections suivront du 1er septembre au 1er novembre 2013.

Vous pourriez envisager de nominer TIki dans une (ou toutes) des catégories suivantes :

  • Best Open Source CMS (meilleur CMS libre)
  • Best Free CMS (meilleur CMS gratuit)
  • Best CMS for Small / Medium Sized Businesses (meilleur CMS pour petites et moyennes entreprises)
  • Best Enterprise CMS (meilleur CMS d'entreprise)
  • Best Website Builder (meilleur plateforme de construction de sites web)

L'année dernière, Tiki a gagné dans la catégorie People's Choice for Best Free CMS (Choix populaire du meilleurs CMS gratuit). Aidez-nous à continuer dans cette direction en nominant Tiki aujourd'hui.


Pour plus d'informations, voir http://www.cmscritic.com/critics-choice-cms-awards/.

Show your support - Nominate Tiki for Critics Choice CMS Awards

Rick - - ( Reads)

The Critics Choice CMS Awards are now accepting nominations for 2013... and the Tiki community needs your support! Nominations are open through through August 1, 2013. Actual voting takes place from September 1 - November 1, 2013.

Please consider nominating Tiki in any (or all) of the following categories:

  • Best Open Source CMS
  • Best Free CMS
  • Best CMS for Small / Medium Sized Businesses:
  • Best Enterprise CMS
  • Best Website Builder

Last year, Tiki won the People's Choice for Best Free CMS. Help us continue our winning ways by nominating Tiki today.


For more information, see http://www.cmscritic.com/critics-choice-cms-awards/.

Tiki Releases Update 10.2

Rick -
Tiki 10.x
Tiki 10.2
The Tiki Community is happy to announce the release of latest update to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware: release 10.2.

The stable release (10.2) received more than 50 updates and fixes. These fixes will improve the overall Tiki experience. For complete information, review the release notes and changelog.

You can download Tiki 10.2, and all other versions from http://tiki.org/download.