Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware 8.2 and 6.5LTS Security Patches Available

Rick -

The Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware project has released a security patch for its stable and LTS (long term support) versions. Both versions are available for immediate download.

Tiki 8.2 includes several bug fixes, feature enhancements, and security fixes.

Tiki 6.5 LTS (Long Term Support) includes several bug fixes and two security patches. There are no new features in this release.

Both releases address an XSS vulnerability identified by Mario Gomes and Marc Laporte using the Vega security scanner and other XSS vulnerabilities reported by Stefan Schurtz. Refer to the release notes and change logs for complete information.

All Tiki administrators are highly encouraged to upgrade to version 6.5 or 8.2. You can download these versions (and all other Tiki releases) from http://tiki.org/download.

Tiki 8.2
Tiki 8.2
Tiki 6.5
Tiki 6.5LTS

Tiki 8.1 Now Available, End-of-Life for Tiki 7.x

Rick -

The latest version of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware, Tiki 8.1 is now available for immediate download. This release includes many new features and improved functionality, with more than 3,200 code updates by 43 Tiki Community members. Review the Tiki 8 Release Notes (http://tiki.org/ReleaseNotes8.1) and change log for complete information.

Image Some key highlights of Tiki 8 include:

  • Improved internationalization (i18n), including better support for non-English characters in page names and complete translation of German interface items.
  • Improved (AJAX) interface for comments and support for Akismet spam protection
  • Integration with WebODF to support Open Document Format (ODF) in Tiki Docs.
  • Multiple enhancements to site search, such as indexing improvements, caching, and the ability to export search results as an RSS feed
  • Several new Tiki plugins
  • Update of the template engine from Smarty 2 to 3.
  • Security fix, first identified by Stefan Schurtz

This is just a small sample of what's included in Tiki 8.1. Refer to http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki8 for a full list of what's new.

You can obtain Tiki 8.1 (as well as all other Tiki releases) from http://tiki.org/download. The release of Tiki 8 marks the end-of-life for the Tiki 7.x branch. All Tiki Administrators running 7.x are highly encouraged to upgrade to Tiki 8.1.

Tiki 6.x remains the LTS (Long Term Support) version. For information on this and future Tiki plans, see http://dev.tiki.org/Roadmap.

2011 Year in Review

Rick -

This year has been an exciting time for the Tiki Community! As the year draws to a close, we want to give a quick recap of all that's been going on. In addition to this summary, we want to pass along three important invitations:

Now, on with the year in review....

Tiki 8.0 Release Candidate Available for Download

Rick -

The Tiki Community is proud to announce the release candidate of Tiki 8.0, the next generation of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. For complete details on this release, see the Release Notes and Tiki 8.0 documentation.

Tiki Community members are encouraged to download and explore this new release. Issues and suggestions should be reported on the Tiki Developer site. Tiki Administrators are reminded that this is a pre-release version and should not be used in production environments.

You can download Tiki 8.0 RC directly from http://sourceforge.net/projects/tikiwiki/files/Tiki_8.x_Acubens/8.0RC1/. You can obtain all other Tiki releases from http://tiki.org/download.

For information on this and future Tiki plans, see http://dev.tiki.org/Roadmap.

Support Tiki in the 2011 Open Source CMS Market Share Survey

Rick -

water&stone is now gathering data for the fourth annual Open Source CMS Market Share Report. This year’s report will be looking at survey data gathered from CMS users around the world. In the 2010 report, Tiki was included its list of Top 20 Open Source CMS.

You can help Tiki improve its visibility in this report by completing the online survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2011-OSCMS-Survey

The results from the survey will be used to compile the 2011 Open Source CMS Market Share Report. The report will be released free of charge, under an open license, in late November 2011. You can obtain copies of previous editions of the report from http://www.waterandstone.com/.

For more information, see http://www.waterandstone.com/book/2011-open-source-cms-market-share-survey-now-open.

Tiki Mailing Lists Pass 100,000 Messages

Rick -

Recently, the Tiki mailing lists posted their 100,000th message! This level of collaboration has helped Tiki become the tw:FLOSS Web Application with the most built-in features.

Even more amazingly, the mailing list traffic does not include the discussions on the Tiki forums, bug tracker and feature wishlist, IRC chatroom, and individual wiki pages!

Source: Source: gmane.org

Special thanks to SourceForge.net for hosting the Tiki mailing lists since the project's inception in 2002.

To join the Tiki mailing lists or review the archives, visit http://tiki.org/mailing+lists.

Tiki 8.0 in Beta

Rick -

The Beta release of the next generation of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is now available. This 8.0 Beta includes many new features and functionality, including:

  • Multiple improvements to trackers, allowing for more flexible designs.
  • New feature filter, improving the usability of administration pages
  • Many improvements to the search infrastructure.
  • Updating the template engine from Smarty 2 to 3.
  • Completed translation of German interface, largely due to the work of Tiki Community member Gregor Adamczyk.

Image Tiki Community members are encouraged to download and explore this new release. Issues and suggestions should be reported on the Tiki Developer site. Tiki Administrators are reminded that this release should not be used in production environments.

You can obtain the Beta (as well as all other Tiki releases) from http://tiki.org/download. For information on this and future Tiki plans, see http://dev.tiki.org/Roadmap.

Happy Birthday Tiki

Rick -

Nine years ago this month marks the initial release of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware project. Known then as TikiWiki, the initial release (version 0.9) included a mere fraction of the features available today. Since 2002, the Tiki Community has become one of the largest open-source teams in the world and is in the top 2% of all projects on Ohloh.

Tiki releases, 0.9 to present
Tiki releases, 0.9 to present

In July 2003, Tiki was awarded SourceForge.net Project of the Month... less than one year after the project began!

Happy Birthday Tiki!

Tiki 7.2 Now Available

Rick -

The Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware community is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Tiki 7.2. This latest release includes 117 code updates contributed by Tiki community members.

Review the release notes for full details on this release. Tiki administrators are encouraged to upgrade their Tiki 7 sites to this latest release.

You can download Tiki 7.2 (as well as all other Tiki releases) from http://tiki.org/download.

Upcoming TikiFests

Rick -
TikiFest Sherbrooke
The Tiki Community is planning two TikiFests (code sprints) in the upcoming months. All members of the Tiki Community, as well as anyone interested in wikis and content management systems (CMS) are invited to join us!

The first event, on October 4 and 5 in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, features technical sessions on wikis in general, held at Révolution Linux. Several sessions will be led by key Tiki Community leaders and Tiki Association members. For more information, see http://tiki.org/TikiFestSherbrooke8.

Planning is also underway for a design-focused TikiFest. The week-long event, tentatively planned for mid-January in Montréal, Canada, deal primarily with design, themes, and user experience. Anyone interested in usability or interface design is encouraged to join the Tiki Community for this event. See http://tiki.org/TikiFestDesign9 for details.

For complete information on all TikiFests and community events, see the Tiki calendar: http://info.tiki.org/calendar.