Database performance
This is a Instruction how to measure database performance. This page shall also help to enhance database performance.
Note: This site is outdated. Last update in 2006.
Why is my site so slow?
- Parsing tikilib and others takes a huge amount of time. The average time to display a page is mainly due to parsing. So php accelerators like turck mmcache greatly reduce load and display time. See PerformanceTuning for more information.
- Sometimes some code is badly written and the database performance harms tiki performance. Then read on.
We are now starting work on Tikiwiki 1.10 to address some areas of parsing to make Tikiwiki faster.
Detecting database performance bottlenecks
- First you can look at the counter at the bottom of the page. If it says > 1000 Database queries, then you actually have bad code. But this counter is erraneous. Since every object in tiki inherits from tikilib, the query() function exists in every object and every object has its own counter. Only the tikilib counter is displayed.
- So we need a better way. Look at lib/tikidblib-debug.php. Follow the instructions in the comments and create a table:
create table tiki_querystats(qcount number,qtext varchar(255),qtime float,UNIQUE KEY qtext (qtext));
CREATE TABLE tiki_querystats (
qcount int(11) default NULL,
qtext TEXT default NULL,
qtime float default NULL,
UNIQUE KEY qtext 255
Using tiki_querystats
- long running queries
select qtime/qcount,qtext from tiki_querystats order by 1
- most executed queries:
select qcount,qtime,qtext from tiki_querystats order by 1;
- most time spent in:
select qtime,qcount,qtext from tiki_querystats order by 1;
- resetting querystats
delete from tiki_querystats;
- number of queries per click: first reset, then do a click, then
select sum(qcount) from tiki_querystats;
- time spent in db: like above, but:
select sum(qtime) from tiki_querystats;
Example: today (11/20/2003), i added a item in tiki's trackers and got these stats:
select qtime,qcount,qtext from tiki_querystats order by 1;
| 0.070599 | 1 | delete from `tiki_searchindex` where `location`=? and `page`=? |
| 0.10163 | 35 | select `tran` from `tiki_language` where `source`=? and `lang`=? |
| 5.32297 | 2026 | select `includeGroup` from `tiki_group_inclusion` where `groupName`=? |
| 6.52072 | 2004 | select `userId` from `users_users` where `login`=? |
| 6.84396 | 2004 | select `groupName` from `users_usergroups` where `userId`=? |
select sum(qcount),sum(qtime) from tiki_querystats;
| 6159 | 19.166826486588 |
You see the probem?
Mysql has an option to log all slow queries and all queries that don't use indexes (i.e. queries
that sequentially search an entire table)
To enable this logging in /etc/my.cnf in the mysqld section add:
log-long-format set-variable = long_query_time=2 log-slow-queries=/var/log/mysql_slow_query.log
note: Be aware that this will slow down your mysql while logging is on. After finding some long queries you should turn logging off again.
restart mysql
the email is attached in the comment area
to safe you some time here is what i found:
i logged 20 minutes of queries (on my site thats 26.000) and anelised them. i found the following indexes missing from 1.8.6 (see my
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`users_permissions` ADD INDEX `type` (`type`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_forum_attachments` ADD INDEX `threadId` (`threadId`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`users_users` ADD INDEX `login` (`login`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_modules` ADD INDEX `name` (`name`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_user_assigned_modules` ADD INDEX `position` (`position`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_articles` ADD INDEX `publishDate` (`publishDate`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_articles` ADD INDEX `expireDate` (`expireDate`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_articles` ADD INDEX `type` (`type`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_article_types` ADD INDEX `show_pre_publ` (`show_pre_publ`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_article_types` ADD INDEX `show_post_expire` (`show_post_expire`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_comments` ADD INDEX `objectType`(`objectType`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_comments` ADD INDEX `commentDate`(`commentDate`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_modules` ADD INDEX `position`(`position`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_modules` ADD INDEX `type`(`type`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_link_cache` ADD INDEX `url`(`url`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_articles` ADD INDEX `author`(`author`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_sessions` ADD INDEX `user`(`user`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_galleries` ADD INDEX `visible`(`visible`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_galleries` ADD INDEX `user`(`user`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`tiki_galleries` ADD INDEX `public`(`public`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`messu_messages` ADD INDEX `user`(`user`);
ALTER TABLE `ijbrug`.`messu_messages` ADD INDEX `isRead`(`isRead`);
made my site a lot faster😂