Volunteering Facilitator: Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist


Thursday, April 21, 2016 at 18:00:00 UTC time (click for time zone in your city)


See Roundtable Meetings for a detailed description.




1st hour quick news

  • Tiki 15 release status
    Probably will try and remove the dependency on php-intl (as emailed)
    • My opinion: The intl extension can be a blocker for Tiki upgrades. In my case, with shared hosting, it was possible but required an account upgrade (another account was luckily on a newer server so already had the intl extension). (I may not make it to the roundtable so wanted to add my opinion here.
    • Fix committed in 15.x in r58399 please test and we can discuss if it changes plans for the 15.0 release
  • New goodies planned for Tiki 16
    • Min spec:
      • PHP-- 7+?-- too radical 🙁 min spec php 5.6
      • Update Smarty (was stuck slightly out of date for 15.x)
    • H5P
    • Plugin editor revamp
    • Removal of other jquery-ui dependencies
    • Stuff that missed the boat from here for Tiki 15
    • Bootstrap 4 is at alpha.2 so may not be in time for Tiki 16, but is something to keep on the radar.
    • Anything else planned?
  • Meeting timings again?
    • Could we and should we try and find alternative times for these meetings occasionally so they're not always in the middle of the night in Asia and during working hours in the Americas?

Second hour, longer topics

  • Planning Tiki15 release



Chat log

Pages related to this one

One page links to Roundtable Meeting 2016 04