Volunteering Facilitator: Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist


Meeting time and date: Thursday, July 18th, 2019 at 14:00:00 UTC time
(click to check time zone in your location)

The time is now:

Time in your timezone (when this page was last reloaded): Tuesday 18 February 2025 02:19:15 UTC

The time and date was set by the participants vote below:

Date and Time Votes



https://live.tiki.org (back, and in HTML5 mode!)


See Roundtable Meetings for a detailed description.


First hour, quick news

  1. OpenLayers updates in 20.x (can probably do a demo in the 2nd hour )
  2. Upcoming Releases? (19.2 and 18.4)

put your topic (max. 5-10 minutes) into the list above

Second hour, longer topics

  1. Git another step forward
    With Fabio and using a video to support the transition we are several that want to complete the svn => git transition. Technically the process is working and ready to roll. There are not, or it doesn’t seams there is a lot of reason not to complete.



 Please note
If you cannot see the screen shared by Jonny, try different browser. The recording playback did not show anything for me in Chrome but it works in Firefox.


  • ...

put your follow up action(s) when you're done into the list above

Chat log

Pages related to this one

One page links to Roundtable Meeting 2019 07