We already have PluginSF - A plugin to auto-link sourceforge tracker items.
Competition and standards
List of other products with similar/interesting/related features.
Here I would like to see some "editorial" content. How do our features compare to others?
Chat between Marc and Dennis Daniels about SF integration
=== User marclaporte, ( “Trillian??? (H@), member of #tikiwiki, is connected to <irc://>, 0 hop(s)
End of WHO results for “marclaporte???, 1 user(s) found
dgd yup
marclaporte we need a better integration with trackers
marclaporte or else, I think we will soon do all on
dgd uh.... i hesitate...
marclaporte we can export (backup) our SF info
marclaporte in xml
dgd what about the other way around...
dgd everything coming from sf to tiki?
marclaporte yup
marclaporte backup SF trackers to a XML file daily
dgd the visibility on SF is amazing...
marclaporte then use that XML file for some nice searches
dgd oooh, can we do that?
dgd have you done it?
marclaporte those searches are links to SF
dgd who is doing it?
marclaporte not yet
marclaporte nobody
marclaporte yet
marclaporte BUT
marclaporte methinks if we can find a good way to integrate
marclaporte we can convince lots of devs to use Tiki
marclaporte tens of thousands of potential Tiki users
dgd yes, the links do go to SF...ohhhh... I see you want to mimic the bug interface into SF from Tiki like I did with the searches...
marclaporte all devs
marclaporte YEs
marclaporte using our own category system
marclaporte (maybe)
dgd hmmm, tough part is the unique ID of a new RFE or bug...
marclaporte the file is in xml so it should be easy
dgd which file marc?
marclaporte why?
dgd from SF?
marclaporte backup file
marclaporte yup
dgd Ah! I see!
marclaporte as SF admin, you are responsible to make your backups
dgd Let me run it down to you as I understand
marclaporte I'll make one now and send to you
dgd yes, please do!
dgd I'm curious
dgd the question of course is getting the xml into tiki though isn't it?
marclaporte yup
marclaporte the backup takes a while
marclaporte 5-10 mins
dgd but I like the idea of finding/ creating/ building an xml interface into tiki
marclaporte 😉
dgd I've got to go for a couple of minutes anyway... I'll be back in a moment...
dgd how's that..?
marclaporte I want to work with SF as much as possible
dgd yes, it's free and it's great copy for us...
dgd oh BTW you got my email RE: freshmeat?
marclaporte the devs are growling
marclaporte yes I did
marclaporte FM edits the stuff I send them
dgd oh.
marclaporte but I'd like to redo official texts
marclaporte short, medium and long
dgd then they need to be reminded of the great PLURALITY of tiki 😊
marclaporte and a list of official keywords
marclaporte 😉
marclaporte I agree
dgd ok
marclaporte on SF, max 256 characters
marclaporte tty
marclaporte oups
dgd bbs
marclaporte ttl
marclaporte Dennis?
marclaporte Can you write a proposal with the SF stuff?
marclaporte On how to work together
marclaporte complementary websites
marclaporte we could even write to SF and ask for improvments
marclaporte why not try to be the official SF wiki?