This is moving to

It is simpler than below because default settings in ClearOS have been improved.

Some messy notes to help make a nice clean page at:

Install ClearOS

  • Get latest stable version of ClearOS 6.x or 7.x 64 bits

New Beta Tiki installer

Later, Tiki will be in ClearCenter marketplace


  • Only one Tiki can be installed per ClearOS instance.
  • Installed version is not always the latest available
  • There is no way to upgrade (yet)
    • So for now, to upgrade, you'll need to overwrite the files, and use Tiki's installer to do any database upgrades.

For now:
To get Tiki 12.2 (and soon 12.3)

Copy to clipboard
yum install app-tiki

You need to make sure HTTP and HTTPS ports are open in

Go to Server -> Messaging and Collaboration -> Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware in the menu to complete the setup.

Tiki On ClearOS Capture 20150104001650 6
It's best to use the main domain or a subdomain, as if you use a subdirectory (ex.:, you need to update your .htaccess for the RewriteBase setting.
Tiki On ClearOS Capture 20150104003311 2

Your Tiki will be installed at: /var/clearos/tiki/webroot/live


The instructions below are for a manual install

Manual install

See also general Tiki docs and notes

You'll want this if you want to install from source (SVN) or if you want more than one Tiki instance on a ClearOS server.

Configure Web Server

  1. Install PHP web server and MySQL (MariaDB replaces MySQL in ClearOS 7) in ClearCenter marketplace
  2. Todo: If firewall is activated, add a note to the user about adding HTTP & HTTPS traffic at app/incoming_firewall -> (for now, admins need to think to remember to configure)
  3. Visit Server -> Web Server and click "Configure Default Site" (or "add" if it's not the first one)
    • Pick domain name for your sites
      • If you expect to have more than one Tiki, you may want to use a subdomain like But normally, you can do it all in one Tiki using Workspaces
    • It is imperative to set Follow Symbolic Links to Enabled Ref:
    • The default of the other setting are fine
  4. Start your web server

php intl-extension (new requirement in Tiki 15)

Copy to clipboard
yum install php-intl service httpd restart

Delete files created by ClearOS


  • /var/www/html/index.html
  • /var/www/html/logo.png

If you don't remove, Tiki won't be visible from the root

Install SVN

Get Tiki code via SVN

go to where you want Tiki to be installed
Copy to clipboard
cd /var/www/html/

Additional sites live at /var/www/virtual/

Check out Tiki 12.x
Copy to clipboard
svn checkout .

For other versions, see: Get code


When you visit your domain name (where Tiki is installed), you will get "Your Tiki is not completely installed because Composer" (if Tiki 11.x and up. So just follow instructions).

Run the setup script, which includes Composer
Copy to clipboard

  • You can accept all the defaults.
  • You can ignore warnings "Ambiguous class resolution"

Tiki automatically adds an alias from _htaccess to .htaccess but ClearOS needs to be told to accept .htaccess (which is the default setting)

If you get warnings from Composer, install them as follows


Visit tiki-check.php to see if any dependencies are missing

Other settings


Compress CSS & JS (see comment)

Activate Apache KeepAlive

KeepAlive Off - KeepAlive On
Copy to clipboard
nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf service httpd restart

PHP Settings

These will later be overriden in .htaccess but for now, you can edit /etc/php.ini and restart apache ('service httpd restart')

Note. Please also see: /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf

MySQL settings

You may need to edit

ClearOS 6.x /etc/my.cnf
ClearOS 7.x /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf

to add:

Copy to clipboard
max_allowed_packet = 16M

And restart MySQL

Create database

  1. Server -> Database -> MySQL Server -> Start
  2. Set MySQL root password

Go to phpMyAdmin via ClearOS. (
Click Users on top menu
Click Add user
Add a new user. Ex.: tiki
Host: localhost
Pick a secure password
And pick "Create database with same name and grant all privileges"

Use this information later in tiki-install.php

Importing data

If you are importing, you can use phpMyAdmin's import from disk feature. Upload your .sql backup file at /var/lib/phpMyAdmin/upload/

Use Tiki installer

Use your browser to visit where the files are and you should see the Tiki installer (tiki-install.php)


Search within files

Please see:

Cron job to rebuild index

todo: document ClearOS-specific instructions

Configure LDAP

This is optional. You can let Tiki do self-registration or have an admin manage users manually.

To configure with LDAP, see the Tiki section on: Tiki Suite LDAP

Block access to site

Normally, you can just use Tiki's authentication to protect a sites's data. But if you want to add an additional layer, you can use ClearOS's protection: -> Server -> Web Server -> Settings -> Require Authentication ( you need to create group & user separately) (so no need to create an htpasswd file)