{MAKETOCBOX(float=>right)}{MAKETOCBOX} If you are from the association and still have not registered, what are you waiting for? 😉

When logging in... 🙄

If are member of the Association of the Vall del Corb, when you log in:

  • You will see that some more options are shown at the menu on the left column in the screen, with shortcuts to do the more usual things in your web (you can add new entries to the calendar, write to the forum, upload files and images, etc.). If you click on the box with a plus sign on it, on the left of the icon of the closed folder (Image Image ), you will make that the subitems (Image ) in that menu section are shown below (so that you can click on them).
  • You will also see some other boxes with automatic information notifying which changes there have been lately in your web, or since your last login, etc. You will see them, especially, when you go to your Personal Area of the web.

The first time... ❗

The first time that you log in, it is advisable that:

  1. . You go to your personal preferences page and you update the information with your data (name and surnames, etc.)
    • You are suggested to go the section "Other preferences > User messages", and where it says "Send me an email for the messages with priority higher or equal than:", then you select for instance: "3-Normal".
      This way, when somebody send you a personal message through the internal messaging system that this web site has, you will receive an notice to your e-mail box for messages that you received with priority equal (default) or higher than 3, in addition to the message you will get at the internal message in this web.
    • You can indicate where you live, with the help of the (Google) maps feature that come along with this web.
  2. Write some lines at your personal page in this web, which is called something like: ))UserPageYourUserName__ (being %22YourUserName%22 the name your wrote as nickname when registering to this web site). You can create it the first time thro" class="wiki wikinew text-danger tips">personal preferences] page.
  3. Subscribe yourself to the discussion forum of the Association. In the first message it's explained how to do it
  4. At ((Ofertes|Offers section, you can offer the things that you have or know/can do that might be of interest for other people. In a similar manner, review if any of the offers that others have inserted interests you 😊. You can get in contact with the person that was offering something if you click on his/her name that you will see next to the offer.
  5. If you need something, say it (at least) by means of filling a new item through the section of Requests of transport, resources or services.
  6. If you want to learn more on the use of this dynamic and collaborative web site (or want to ask that a new feature from the long list of possible ones is included/enabled, request it to the forum about the Web Usage".

Commissions... 😬

If you belong to any commission, you can go to update the information the it currently contains, if needed. You only need to go to page of that Commission (you have the links below), and once in there, click on the link that you will find underneath where it says "edit", change the text you want (do care that much at this stage of markup if you don't want to), and save changes.

Take part! 😀

Provide to the web pages the information that you believe it's suitable in order to keep the web alive and updated among all of us. Explore the possibilities that you have from the links on the left column menu, under the entry that says "Take part!"

Share with others... 😉

There is a functionality especially designed to take advantage of the resources or knowledges that we all have. Explore the area where it says "Share: Offers and Demands of transport, resources or services, among others". 🎅

Copy to clipboard
{MAKETOCBOX(float=>right)}{MAKETOCBOX} If you are from the association and still have not __registered__, [tiki-register.php|__what are you waiting for__]? (:wink:) !! When logging in... (:rolleyes:) If are member of the Association of the Vall del Corb, when you [tiki-login_scr.php|log in]: * You will see that some more options are shown at the __menu on the left column__ in the screen, with shortcuts to do the more usual things in your web (you can add new entries to the calendar, write to the forum, upload files and images, etc.). If you click on the box with a plus sign on it, on the left of the icon of the closed folder ({img src=lib/phplayers/menuimages/tree_expand.png} {img src=lib/phplayers/menuimages/tree_folder_closed.png }), you will make that the subitems ({img src=lib/phplayers/menuimages/tree_leaf.png}) in that menu section are shown below (so that you can click on them). * You will also see some other boxes with automatic information notifying which changes there have been lately in your web, or since your last login, etc. You will see them, especially, when you go to your Personal Area of the web. !! The first time... (:exclaim:) The first time that you log in, it is advisable that: #. You go to your [tiki-user_preferences.php|personal preferences] page and you update the information with your data (name and surnames, etc.) ** You are suggested to go the section "__Other preferences > User messages__", and where it says "__Send me an email for the messages with priority higher or equal than:__", then you select for instance: "__3-Normal__". ++ This way, when somebody send you a personal message through the [messu-mailbox.php|internal messaging system] that this web site has, you will receive an notice to your e-mail box for messages that you received with priority equal (default) or higher than 3, in addition to the message you will get at the internal message in this web. ++{DIV(float=>right)}::{img src="img/wiki_up/gmap_users_map_01_shadow.png" }::{DIV} ** You can indicate where you live, with the help of the [tiki-gmap_locator.php?for=user|(Google) maps] feature that come along with this web. ++{GROUP(groups=>Admin|Editors)}{BOX(title=>Reminder for Admins!)}Remember to [tiki-admin.php?page=gmap|add you own key for Google Maps] to work in your web site. You can set it at "Admin home > [tiki-admin.php?page=gmap|Google Maps]"{BOX}{GROUP} # Write some lines at your personal page in this web, which is called something like: __))UserPage((~~red:YourUserName~~__ (being "~~red:YourUserName~~" the name your wrote as nickname when registering to this web site). You can create it the first time through your [tiki-user_preferences.php|personal preferences] page. # Subscribe yourself to the [tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=1|discussion forum of the Association]. In the first message [tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=2&topics_threshold=0&topics_offset=0&topics_sort_mode=commentDate_desc&topics_find=&forumId=1|it's explained how to do it] # At ((Ofertes|Offers)) section, you can offer the things that you have or know/can do that might be of interest for other people. In a similar manner, review if any of the offers that others have inserted interests you (:smile:). You can get in contact with the person that was offering something if you click on his/her name that you will see next to the offer. # If you need something, say it (at least) by means of filling a new item through the section of ((Demandes|Requests)) of transport, resources or services. # If you want to learn more on the use of this dynamic and collaborative web site (or want to ask that [http://doc.tiki.org/Features|a new feature from the long list of possible ones] is included/enabled, request it to the [tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=2|forum about the Web Usage]". !! Commissions... (:eek:) If you belong to any commission, you can go to update the information the it currently contains, if needed. You only need to go to page of that Commission (you have the links below), and once in there, click on the link that you will find underneath where it says "__edit__", change the text you want (do care that much at this stage of markup if you don't want to), and save changes. {TITLESEARCH(search=>Commission,noheader=>1)}{TITLESEARCH} !! Take part! (:biggrin:) Provide to the web pages the information that you believe it's suitable in order to keep the web alive and updated among all of us. Explore the possibilities that you have from the links on the left column menu, under the entry that says "__Take part!__" !! Share with others... (:wink:) There is a functionality especially designed to take advantage of the resources or knowledges that we all have. Explore the area where it says "((Comparteix|Share)): ((Ofertes|Offers)) and ((Demandes|Demands)) of transport, resources or services, among others". (:santa:)