Tiki is a very vast project. Arguably the Open Source Web Applications with the most built-in features.

  1. Tiki is used in tens of thousands of web sites/projects/communities/companies
  2. This is one of the largest open-source teams in the world, and is in the top 2% of all project teams on Open Hub. See also: Open Hub
  3. The vast collaborative documentation effort is 960 printed pages, which is a testament to the scope of the project -> Over 250 source code contributors (via CVS/SVN).
  4. Tiki was among a handful of community-driven free source projects to be named to the Seventh Annual EContent 100. The annual list contains the companies "that matter most in the digital content industry."
  5. Over 1 million lines of code.
  6. Over 1 000 000 downloads (And Tiki is an all-in-one package. You don't have to download several files to get it to do something!)
  7. A new code commit every 2 hours.
  8. 100 000+ messages on the mailing lists
  9. Consistently high on SourceForge.net
  10. Was first released in October 2002, so it's over 10 years old.
  11. Top 10 most popular app on Freshmeat (in PHP).
  12. Consistently high on WikiMatrix.org
  13. Currently tiki.org has over 20 000 registered users and over 300 developers at this site.

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