I stopped this project. I think this was a powerfull little thing, but way too difficult too use, even when you've written it: too many layers 🙁 . Anyway, I came on a better idea, __have a look at my wiki plugins for db interface : WikiPluginsDb.

General Project Info

Wxcvbn (pronounce Picasso 😀) is a system which provides some very high level access to databases. The goal is to provide an interface to write db interfaces (!), kind of visually 😕. It is difficult to explain what it does right now, but I can give a couple of features/examples :

  • You define some actions, which tell Wxcbn how to access some data (=make a query).
  • You define links from these actions. e.g. : if you made an action which displays all employees of your enterprise, you can define a 1D link, named details, which will fire up the view_employee_details action. Same for edit or anything else.
  • The interface to Wxcvbn itself is written using Wxcvbn 😎
  • It is surprisingly light : ± 200 lines of php code right now...

Project Status

  • It is usable, but I feel improvement is needed... Documentation, more features. Anyone is welcome to help.
  • The engine is 90% ready, but we need to define more actions (edit form, ...).

Details/Try Out

  • Just unpack the .tar in tiki main directory. Beware though, it was developped in Tiki 1.7.5 (I should upgrade, but I had to adapt some scripts for sso, and I didn't port it to 1.8.1 yet). It should run fairly well on Tiki 1.8, but you should move Smarty plugins to the right directory, I think.
  • Run the SQL script.
  • Follow WxcvbnTutorial to see an example of using it to manage Tiki users.