Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Original theme renaming problem

posts: 4656 Japan

I have a custom theme that I'm trying to rename. However, Tiki doesn't recognize the renamed style. Instead I get a weird mix of another style and no style. (Of course templates_c, etc., was flushed, and my browser caches are turned off.)

I started with a theme called (for example) original.css. I decided to rename it original2.css. I renamed all the relevant files, directories and instances within files such as in paths. But this didn't work; trying out the newly-renamed style, I got served pages with an odd mix of another style and no style at all.

Thinking Smarty doesn't like things renamed, I duplicated all the original.css files and directories locally and renamed them, then uploaded them as another style with the name original2.css. Smarty (I guess this is what to blame) still doesn't want to recognize/properly use the style, showing the same problem as before. Does Smarty "know" I've been deceptive and this is in fact the original.css theme, despite it being uploaded with a new name? Does Smarty identify files, etc., internally in a way that prevents humans from renaming them? This is making me crazy.

Looking at the source of pages using the new style, I see things are mixed up. The source shows the tiki-top_bar.tpl of yet another style ("orig.css"), the stylesheet link says, correctly, "href='styles/original2.css'", and the page below the top bar shows a style (maybe orig.css) other than original2.css. The displayed page shows only tiki-top_bar correctly (well, correctly for orig.css, not for orginal2.css), but the page below the top bar looks like stylesheets are turned off completely.

(I don't think this is relevant, but for completeness it should be said that the themes I'm working with now are actually "no CSS" styles that just use a placeholder for the stylesheet file itself and depend on the templates for page markup (for users with Amiga retro browsers). There are necessary templates in directories, of course, as with other themes, although in this case these templates have additional HTML code (via includes) to do the formatting normally done by CSS. This actually works fine for those browsers. As far as the theme renaming problem goes, I've had the same experience with normal CSS themes, so I don't think the nature of these no-CSS themes is a factor in this renaming problem.)

Does anyone know how to outsmart Smarty? I'd really like to rename this and several other original themes. Maybe I also need to visit the Smarty support forums. Thanks in advance for any clues.

-- Gary

posts: 4656 Japan

I just did a test, renaming the "neat" theme to "neater"; it worked fine with either name, so it appears maybe the problem may unique to my "no-css" themes after all. I have to do more testing.

-- Gary