

Re : Very effective performance fix

posts: 1092

If you want to become a developper on tikiwiki.org, tell us. You are welcome.
It is hard for a developper to integrate the patches of somebody else except if he is working on this point.
I think (not sure) the function you are talking about has being tickled by rlpowel recently. You can speak with him if you want.

My impression about wiki parsing is that I don't understand why the parsing is done with preg_match and ... . It is impossible to manage some case with this method. I never understood why a bnf grammar has not been written for the tikiwiki syntax , and a LL(1) or LL(2) parse hadn't been used. Traditional parsing method will be safe.
The other day I was trying to figure out if I can put a structure in a table cell... Without a grammar, I can only test.
If people are interesting to join me in a team. Welcome :-)

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