Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Orphans on Purpose

posts: 9 United States

Letting users create orphans on purpose can be a good thing. You can recruit editors or power users to patrol the Orphan page list and tie the orphans in to the rest of the Wiki , based on their experience.

Here are some solutions to help lure in new users and let easily create a new page with only a fiew clicks

  1. Use the quick_edit module. It works great in Tiki 1.8.4.
  2. Customize the quick_edit module template. I did this because I wanted a single module with links to some basic help pages, plus the ability to instantly create a page. Now the module is called simply Quick Start and has everything they need to get started quickly. My modified /templates/modules/mod-quick_edit.tpl file is now:
    Copy to clipboard
    {if $tiki_p_edit eq 'y'} {tikimodule title="{tr}Quick Start{/tr}" name="quick_edit"} <a class="linkmenu" href="tiki-index.php?page=WhatIsAWiki">What is a Wiki?</a><br /> <a class="linkmenu" href="tiki-index.php?page=HowToCreateYourOwnPage">Create a Page - How?</a><br /> <font class="linkmenu">Create/Edit a Page - NOW:</font><br /> <form method="get" action="tiki-editpage.php"> <input type="text" size="15" name="page" /> <input type="submit" name="quickedit" value="{tr}go{/tr}" /> </form> {/tikimodule} {/if}
  3. Use the admin interface at http://yourdomain/tiki-admin_modules.php to create a User Module. Use JavaScript. Here is the Data field of the User Module I created: {CODE() <a class="linkmenu" href="tiki-index.php?page=WhatIsAWiki">What is a Wiki?</a><br />

<a class="linkmenu" href="tiki-index.php?page=HowToCreateYourOwnPage">Create a Page - How?</a><br />
<a class="linkmenu" href="#" onclick="var Firstname=prompt('Type a ShortWikiWord that describes your new page:',''); Firstname = 'tiki-editpage.php?page=' + Firstname; location = Firstname;">Create a Page - NOW!</a><br /> {CODE}

Search the tw.o forums for the phrase quick edit module or quick_edit for more ideas.

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