Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Collapsed menu section setup

posts: 4656 Japan

The word "section" is confusing on the Admin Menus page because it is being used for two different things. First, the menu has "section" items which are the main (top) items that remain after the "option" items (sub-items) under them disappear during a collapse. Second, "sections" in the Menu Options table refer to the Tiki section — or feature — that the menu item is associated with. These are entered as "feature_wiki," "feature_blogs," etc. I'm not really sure what the function of the "sections" column in the table is, since indicating a section for a particular menu item doesn't seem to be strictly necessary.

The only addtional thing to do would be to enter permission information if you want to display a menu item to only certain user groups. Follow the pattern of how the default Tiki application menu does this.

-- Gary

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