Features / Usability

Features / Usability

What is function SymError?

posts: 3665 United States

The following javascript code is being inserted into every page on my Tiki:

Copy to clipboard
<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function SymError() { return true; } window.onerror = SymError; var SymRealWinOpen = window.open; function SymWinOpen(url, name, attributes) { return (new Object()); } window.open = SymWinOpen; //--> </script>

The code appears immediately after the <META ...> declarations, however, there is nothing in my header.tpl that has this function. I searched tw.o for SymError, but there were no hits. Does anyone know:

  1. What is the SymError function for? When does it get called?
  2. In which TPL or PHP file is this code? It is failing validation — it needs the missing type attribute.

This same script is also in tw.o (which is running 1.9 — I'm using 1.8). Do any of the dev folks know what this is for?

Here's the site. If you view the code, you'll see the script in question.



posts: 3665 United States

Apparently, this is a "feature" of NIS and NPF to stop pop-up ads (see http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/nip.nsf/e2e4ce613b66167c88256d8e0076b032/f497e345525fa9e488256dbf007118ac?OpenDocument&prod=Norton%20Internet%20Security&ver=2005&src=sg&pcode=nis&svy=&csm=no ). Here's one way to fix, or at least alert users.

Several of my users noted the pages (especially those relying on Javascript, such as the calendar) failed to load properly.

Just wanted to pass it along to the rest of the Tiki folks....
