Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Re: Re: My TikiWiki Chat doesn't work

posts: 4656 Japan

> Thanks I feel better that it wasn't just me. Has anyone got any suggestions of a good way to integrate a Chat app into a wiki.

The easiest way is to install any chat program on your server and just open it in an iframe in a wiki page. I played with Voodoo chat and x7chat a while back. (I usually go to Hotscripts.com and check out the php scripts for this kind of stuff.) The problem of an unintegrated program like these is that the log-in is separate from Tiki's, unless you can use the same user table somehow. Otherwise they work OK. You can probably modify the look of the chat window to match your site theme. I think chat fills a space between the shoutbox and the forums, and it'd be nice if Tiki's was brought up to standard. But I imagine most developers and many users prefer IRC to web-based chat so there may not be motivation to do that.

-- Gary

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