Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Re: Re: "MORE" function in blog?

posts: 4656 Japan

> I'll take this as a minor flaw of tiki's interface. Considering that tiki met all my other expectations for a nice CMS, I guess I could live with the .page. flaw.

I see your point. I imagine the ...page... Wiki page pagination has not been enabled. tag in Tiki's blogs was transplanted from its articles feature where, if you notice, the presentation is similar to WP's use of "read more" in that each article ("post") has a lead paragraph and then a read-more link to the full article. With articles the tag makes sense since the read-more link gives the reader new content with one click, while it doesn't in a blog post.

Seems like there's a request for enhancement lurking here, maybe a checkbox on the blog edit page for "show only first paragraph and 'read more' link".... smile

-- Gary

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