

Style for individual blogs

I would like to set the styles independently for different blogs with TW 1.8.5 (i.e., one blog is one color, while another blog is a separate color). Can it be done?


United Kingdom


Using Theme Control under the Admin menu it would be possible to change the colour of individual sections, and also those blogs belonging to different categories. A small modification to the code would allow a style change for each blog chosen when it was created.

Hope it helps

Tikihost.net - TikiWiki Hosting/Development and Support

Perhaps I will start simple. I enabled "Theme Control" under the admin menu, but I don't see where I can change the theme of different sections or categories. I can hold off on different themes for different blogs right now. Where do I set the theme for the blog at this point?



> Perhaps I will start simple. I enabled "Theme Control" under the admin menu, but I don't see where I can change the theme of different sections or categories. I can hold off on different themes for different blogs right now. Where do I set the theme for the blog at this point?

Themes can be set for specific objects, object categories, or sections.

Set the themes on the Theme Control Center page (tiki-theme_control.php). If you want to set the theme for a specific blog (an object), click the "Control by Objects" link on that page. This will bring up a page with a drop-down list of object types. Select "blog" and the page will refresh with a list of your blogs. Select the blog you want the theme to apply to, and select the theme for it from the lists.

If you want to apply a theme to a category and have already made a category that a blog will be assigned to (do this on the Admin Categories page (tiki-admin_categories.php) ), then under "Assign themes to categories", you can select the category and select a theme for it from the drop-down lists.

-- Gary