Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Wiki/DB Advice Needed (Membership Directory)

posts: 4656 Japan

One way is to use a Tracker. To input the information, you can make a Tracker and add the info fields as you like. The "user" field will have a dropdown list of your members, but their other information you would have to add by hand for each entry. There seems to be the beginnings of Tracker-User Prefs page integration in the most recent Tiki versions, but I haven't tested it out yet. I imagine the personal info will have to be entered specifically in the Tracker, either by the admin or by users.

But on the viewer/user side, the presentation of information in a Tracker is different from what you described. The finished Tracker is a page that looks pretty much like Tiki's admin-users page except that the columns will have the phone numbers and whatever other info you want listed. There'll be a search form at the top that can be filtered for member or whatever. Clicking on an item (a individual user) can open a view with additional information if you want. In other words, it'll be a rather long page of members with columns for their information, rather than a small search form, so as far as presentation goes, this may not be what you're looking for.

There is a Tracker plugin for wiki pages, but I haven't tried it out yet and don't know how it works; if it can be used to make a form to let you search the Tracker as I described, that'd be close to what you want, it seems like.

Tiki could really use easily extensible membership tools and other flexible data-handling methods for admins and normal users. Trackers are apparently considered the answer to this, but as far as useability is concerned, there is still quite a ways to go, especially if you want something other than the standard Tracker table-type page. Again, I haven't used the Tracker plugin yet, but part of the problem with Trackers is that there isn't much documentation on how to get the most out of them.

-- Gary

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