Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Permission Assignment Confusion

posts: 4656 Japan

> Hi everybody,
> I have a scenario here when assigning permission for different user. I cannot figure out that well...Say,
> I have 4 users - A, B C and D and 3 groups- fish, cat and dog. Created 3 Wiki pages related to fish, cat and dog subjects. Wanted users A and B to have admin rights to group fish, user C to have admin rights to group cat and user D to have admin rights to group dog.

A Group in Tiki refers to users, not site content, so I assume the three groups — fish, cat and dog — are the admin groups for fish-, cat- and dog-related site content.

On your fish group page (tiki-assignpermission.php?group=fish), assign tiki_p_admin_wiki to users A and B; in the cat group, assign tiki_p_admin_wiki to user C, and in the dog group, assign tiki_p_admin_wiki to user D. (I'm assuming tiki_p_admin_wiki includes permissions for page editing, removing, rolling back, and so on; seems like in my own cases, I assigned these things individually but I guess tiki_p_admin_wiki covers them all).

Now to allow read-access, either give tiki_p_view to the Anonymous group so that it is the site default, or assign it to the groups fish, cat and dog if you don't want others reading those pages.

As the site admin, you can log in as any user to test what they can and can't see and do. This is what the "user" textfield is for in the log-in module. It would be a good idea to log in as A - D to check that the permissions are set correctly.

-- Gary

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