

Central column overlaps


Hi, I renewed my antarctica.css on http://www.nondegaucheeuropeen.info, and I was happy to add penguins, which I love dearly :-)

I also removed some tables in frequent templates and put floating div for buttons. The linkbut or button2 becomes a floating right or left.

However, my central column overlaps on the right one, and I fail to see why. This happens in IE only. Can someone help me?

BTW, I'd be glad if you could also point me to a texture background that really looks like a snowstorm. The first to replys on this one wins a free trip to Antarctica.


Woops, sorry for disturbing you, it seems it was the size of my South-pole image that was causing column resizing.

However I'm still looking for a snow storm background. Just one giving the impression you can't see three meters away.


> Hi, I renewed my antarctica.css on http://www.nondegaucheeuropeen.info, and I was happy to add penguins, which I love dearly :-)
> I also removed some tables in frequent templates and put floating div for buttons. The linkbut or button2 becomes a floating right or left.
> However, my central column overlaps on the right one, and I fail to see why. This happens in IE only. Can someone help me?
> BTW, I'd be glad if you could also point me to a texture background that really looks like a snowstorm. The first to replys on this one wins a free trip to Antarctica.