Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Remove Categories

posts: 4656 Japan

> OK, maybe I am just dense, but I cannot see a "link to remove a category" as described in the docs... I can add, but not delete? Using 1.8.5...
> Anybody have any ideas?

Is there a delete icon (X) for each category on the Admin Categories page (tiki-admin_categories.php)? This is how it is in 1.9.0; I don't have a 1.8.5 installation to check.

Here's the relationship between the URLs of a category and its delete icon, if you want to experiment with address-doctoring to delete a category (maybe make a new category to test this out):

Category URL: http://yourtikisite/tiki-admin_categories.php?parentId=24

Category's delete icon URL: http://yourtikisite.com/tiki-admin_categories.php?parentId=0&removeCat=24

This pattern is consistent for all my categories and their delete icons; entering the modified address should delete the unwanted category.

-- Gary

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