

Re: Re: Re: File Upload Problem

posts: 1092

> 1. How can I save it in a directory? I specified a folder for it to go into but I checked the folder and the files are not in there!
Set the directory in admin -> files galleries (tiki-admin.php?page=fgal)
> 2. How can I change the URLs so that it displays http://mydomain.com/galleryName/fileName ?
You can find information on SEFURLs or SEFURLsDev or TikiWikiRewriteRule. They are far away to be perfect. The difficult part is the outputfilter - the part that rewrite the links of tw. A lot of people have their own output filter (I have one not perfect too). Some people have replaced also the rewrite rules with an acceptpathinfo (the part that understands the urls).... I don't know if somebody has an enough good solution to commit to tw.

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