Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Re: Tikiwiki Business Perspective - Anybody ??

posts: 19

Your vision goes in line with what I think Tikiwiki can do right now and is capable of achieving in the future. My background in Knowledge Management helped me identify Tikiwiki (TW) as a great tool for personal and group knowledge management. If you like, checkout my website (insightknowledge.com) to give me your feedback, if I could achieve that goal.

Another great tool that I would love to see integrated with TW is phprojekt - providing a good environment for personal and group project and task management.


> I saw Tikiwiki 2-3 days ago and I was impressed. As I was browsing the features and testing the tools, many images from the feature poped up to my head. Eventually, these 'images from the future' can be used by businessman to earn money, but the point is that tikiwiki software can do great things! Why doesn't exists an calculator so the user can easily use it instantly? There are many times that, at work, users need to calculate values. Why doesn't exists an contact manager and combined with a name's day feature software can remind the user that somebody from his contact has his names day! Of course it should be combined with the calendar feature so it can also remind special occassions, appointments, etc. I have many more ideas about new features in tikiwiki. The point is what direction the developers want to give to tikiwiki. Because I see great future as a data management program and when I say 'data' I mean information from contacts, calendar, notepad, useful files, chatting, etc. The idea is the user have just to login to a site with tikiwiki software installed and then do his day job using it!

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