Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Groups and Permissions question

posts: 131 Singapore

I understand how you feel on permissions assignment as I have the same problem as you do. See my post here.

Colorado suggested using Categories to control the permission assignment, but Gary (and I) has tried it without achieving the effect intended. The tedious way out is to assign specific permissions to users in the wiki pages.

I have tried setting up the Category (v1.9.1) to have 2 category objects - public and internal- and then assign Anonoymous and Registered permission rights respectively in the Category permission settings for a specific user. i think that by creating a separate Internal and Public category would circumvent the issue of permission assignment. Putting documents/objects you want a group to view only in Public category seems to work. Not only that the Internal category does not display, even if the objects display, they are denied access with a "permission denial" page. Using search function to try and see whether it can uncover the page would turn in a negative search results also. This might not be a good way but so far it works to my expectation. Gary might have some reservation here....wink

I would love if someone can throw more light into this...

-- kwow

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