Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: File Gallery Permissions

posts: 4656 Japan

> Hi,
> Is it possible to configure permissions so that only the user whom uploaded a file to a file gallery has permission to download that file? I can't quite figure it out...confused
> Thank you.

Since Tiki permissions are assigned to groups rather than users, you could make a group for each user. That is, for each user, make a new group that contains only that user. Then assign download permission to that group. — Kind of cumbersome but maybe the easiest way without modifying Tiki files (though this would also mean a file gallery for each user, which I don't know if you want or not, since file download perms are set for galleries and not for individual files). Another way that might meet your needs is to use the MyTiki > My files feature.

-- Gary - zukakakina.com

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