

Re: Re: How do I change the border around the category list?


> I tried adding a “div.tree??? in the style CSS file, but that didn’t fix it.
> Can you tell me more specifically which part of which CSS file in the “phplayers??? directory controls the color of this border? I’ll give you the source code for this element of the page, if you can tell me how to post HTML code here without it being used for actual formatting.

Line 81 of tiki-browse_categories.tpl shows div class="tree" which encloses $tree, which (in lib/tree/categ_browse_tree.php) uses div class="treenode" and div class="tree". In my sites, using 1.9.2, in the bluegreen style there isn't a green border around the category tree. I remember having to deal with that border several months ago when working on some theme, but can't get the border to show now — in all the themes I've tried, including bluegreen, there's no border. I tried checking your page at the URL you gave, but Anons don't have permission to view the category page. If you give that permission then I can see the page and check its source view.

-- Gary zukakakina.com

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