Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Inopportune change of article author....

posts: 1092

> It seems that when an admin (or any group who has the perm to edit articles) edits and modifies a submission or an article posted by a user, he automatically becomes the author/creator of the article...
> As a result, the actual author/creator of the article -if he does not have general edit permission on articles- no longer has access to the edition of his article even when Creator can edit option is checked.
It can not be fixed without changing the database need a author field and a lanstModifUser field - so it will be only in 1.10. Can you create an entry in dev.tikiwiki.org not to forget to fix it.
An idea will be to always keep to creator
in tiki-edit_article.php

Copy to clipboard
$artid = $artlib->replace_article(strip_tags($_REQUEST["title"], ''), $_REQUEST["authorName"], $_REQUEST["topicId"], $useImage, $imgname, $imgsize, $imgtype, $imgdata, $heading, $body, $publishDate, $expireDate, $user, $articleId, $_REQUEST["image_x"], $_REQUEST["image_y"], $_REQUEST["type"], $_REQUEST["topline"], $_REQUEST["subtitle"], $_REQUEST["linkto"], $_REQUEST["image_caption"], $_REQUEST["lang"], $_REQUEST["rating"], $isfloat); replace $user with $article_data['author']

code not tested
> As a result also it seems, if a submission is modified by someone who has an autoapprove submission perm, the submission is automatically validated once the submission is saved, under a new author.
Same patch to do on replace_submission( in tiki-edit_submission.php

> Of course, this change of author does not appear in the author line of the article...
The problem of author name and user....

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