Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: How to remove the "Find" option in the top bar ?

posts: 4656 Japan

> Hi,
> I'm new to Tikiwiki.
> Can someone please explain how I can remove the "Find" field in the top bar (just below the logo on the top left) ?
> I've enabled the "Search" module on the left column and want to remove the "Find" part from the top bar but
> there doesn't seem to be a simple way to do this. I'm using the bluegreen.css theme/style.

Are you using a modified theme? When I switch to bluegreen.css here or at other sites, I don't see a "Find" in the top bar, although there is one on blog pages. Anyway, if you can identify what CSS selector is used (what div, etc.) you can use a "display: none" property. Or you can delete or comment out the code in the template involved, once it is known.

> Also, how do I change the colour of the top bar (background colour) ?

Probably it's specified by div#tiki-top or div#tiki-top_bar. You could look with your browser at the source of your page to see what div is responsible. Search for some text that appears against that background color to locate the place in the source quickly. Then find that selector in the CSS file and change the color specification.

-- Gary - themes.tw.o

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