Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: User list second page

posts: 3665 United States

I used the amin login on your demo site. I'm afraid I don't quite understand the issue.

You have a total of 35 users. Using the tiki-list_users.php page, I saw a total of four pages (10 on the first 3 pages, 5 on page 4) showing all 35 users. Note that the users are shown in order of SCORE — not user name or email.

I also reviewed the tiki-admin_users.php page. Again, I saw a 35 users on 4 pages. Using this page though, you can resort the list by name, email, etc., in order to make it easier.

As a comparison, I then changed your default page list from 10 to 50. Now all 35 users are listed on the same page in either list.

Can you elaborate on exactly what you were expecting to happen?


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