Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Re: Getting help/answers to questions and where to check/add bug reports

posts: 4656 Japan

> To take this a little further, is there a page where people who are "consultants" advertise their availability to be contacted to help resolve problems? If not is it worth putting a page up? I have seen it in a number of other open source environments.

There used to be one, called TikiExperts or something, but I can't find it now. Yes, there definitely should be such a page.

> I have had it in the past that I would be prepared to pay for a particular issue to be resolved, but haven't known who to contact.

For now, you can try posting on the Tiki developers mailing list (http://sf.net/mail/?group_id=64258) , asking in IRC, or contacting individuals directly.

-- Gary - zukakakina.com

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