Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: edit/lock sizes

posts: 4656 Japan

Look at Planetfall_customizing at themes.tw.o (that's actually where this question should have been asked). In the illustration, you can see three page parts that all have a height of 111px — td id="planetfall_header", div id="planetfall_header_module" and div id="planetfall_logo". You need to edit the planetfall.css stylesheet file to increase this height to accomodate your search box.

Sorry, I don't know what you mean about locking the page size. The menu is aligned to the left, so shouldn't move too much, although the page width will vary according to the width of the contents, etc. You can prevent the page from expanding horizontally by simpy having extra widths not display, or by having scrollbars appear when wide content is loaded. These are both done by editing the style sheet.

-- Gary - themes.tw.o

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