Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Catagory selection problems

posts: 4656 Japan

You could make Articles Topics (and/or Tiki Categories) such as "Lifestyle" and "Gadgets," and then use the Articles wiki plugin several times on the page to display the most-recent news article in each Topic.

(There seems to be some redundancy in Tiki regarding Article Topics and Tiki Categories. "Topic" is the way Tiki's CMS articles are categorized but is used only for articles, and the Articles plugin can use topic as a parameter. Each article can also be categorized (in a Tiki Category), which is useful when the user wants to see all items (articles, wiki pages, galleries, etc.) of a similar content type (i.e., in the same Category). Category can also be used as a plugin parameter to limit the articles displayed.)

There are different options for organizing and displaying the content at the bottom of the page, and the pages linked from there. I imagine divs can be made and populated with images and text manually to duplicate the function and appearance of your existing page. This would mean this section would have to be updated by hand, though.

The listings on http://www.studenten.net/content/category.asp?mte_id=0&cge_id=291 look a lot like a Tiki articles page. Again you can use the Articles plugin on a wiki page to display only the topic/category and number of articles that you want on this page.

You can make new article types that don't display dates, article size, author, etc., so the appearance can be much like your current page. Then http://www.studenten.net/content/artikel.asp?mte_id=0&cge_id=291&akl_id=4090 would be a Tiki article, again maybe with the type modified to eliminate unwanted information.

I hope this helps. Post again with more details if I'm misunderstanding something.

-- Gary - themes.tw.o

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