Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: There are none so dumb as those who do not know...

posts: 3665 United States

> Greetings.
> First, let me set some terms of reference.
> I'm probably in the wrong place. What does that mean? It means I've no idea if this is a proper forum, style or content to post here.

Actually, most of you questions are covered in the docs, but I'll provide links here...

> I'm stupid. What does that mean? It means I know nothing of any significance about Tiki.

There's no stupid people.... only stupid questions. lol

> I'm trying to stop being stupid. What does that mean? It means I'm trying to work out whether Tiki is a good tool for the purpose I have in mind.
> I'm a novice. What does thatmean? It means I've installed Tiki ( OK, I cheated and let Fantastico install Tiki). I've set up some groups, some users and a page or so. I've embedded an image and set some permissions. Yay, me.
> So I have any questions I'd kind of like to get answers to, but having investigated Search, and worked through some documentation, have not found? Er... yes. What does that... Hmmmm. Maybe a continuation of that line would be stating the obvious redface
> So on with the motley.
> I've done some editing with the Quicktags. Which are sort of fine... but don't let me do some stuff I want to. Like?
> Like: I see no way of changing the font for part of a page from the default. I'm sure there _is_ one, I just don't see it.

You need to use a Plugin to change the font. Then you can create a Quicktag to call the plugin when editing a wiki page.

> Like: I would like to place a sound file to play when a page is open. If this was HTML, it would be an EMBED or a BGSOUND tag. Is there a way of setting sounds in or on or associated with page opening, or specific text on a page?

Again, looks like a plugin is what you need. Or if you prefer, simply select the Allow HTML in the Wiki Configuration page.

> Like: IfI knew the answers to the above, maybe I would want to have a new Quicktage to implement the answer. What ( since I'm sure there is one) is the manner and process for creating a new Quicktag?

Quicktags are just a library of wiki syntax. You can create custom Quicktags to call your plugins.

> Like: Since I have done some HTML coding in my chequered past, is there a means of dropping HTML code into a page and if so, what tags are permiited and what is the syntax? This would be while being a coward and using the quick editor to massage the page.

Again, you could select the Allow HTML in the Wiki Configuration page. This allows you specify what types of HTML tags to allow in a wiki page.

> Like: As an extension of the above, if it was preferred not to use the Quick Editor, is there an alternativ or full HTML editor mode that can be used?

I'm not sure what you mean by a "full HTML editor mode"? Do you mean for wiki pages? Or HTML page?

> OK. I can hear snoring from the back. I'll shut up now, and the ones at the front can carry on with the serious business of laughing at dumb questions smile



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