Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: registration doesnt work

posts: 3665 United States

First thing to check, do you have the Users can register option selected on the Login: Config panel? (See the docs for details.

> Hi
> I have a new tiki wiki site on a windows box and the register new user functionality does not work. You enter your details and press submit but nothing happens. Does anyone have any clue?

Did you edit the tiki-register.php or tiki-register.tpl files? If you leave the fields in the registation form blank, it should give you an error page, but your site doesn't. Also I should be able to access the registration page directly http://dogmatch.com.au.k.seekdotnet.com/wiki/tiki-register.php but I can't.

> http://dogmatch.com.au.k.seekdotnet.com/wiki/tiki-index.php
> Also what is the difference between articles and wiki content. If I want a site that just allows people to add content and search those that are there for things that interest them is it articles I should choose?

Basically, articles are for news items — you can control when the items appear and expire. (See the docs for details. Normally, they are not editable by your site's general visitors.

The wiki pages are meant to be collaborativly authored pages. Again, see the docs for full details.

See the feaure descriptions for more info on these (and other) features..

> also does anyone know anyone who would want a couple of hours work finishing off my site - jsut the finishing touches?

Feel free to contact me. I'd be happy to help where I can.



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