Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: still about ANAME/ALINK

posts: 3665 United States

Use the pagename parameter:

Copy to clipboard
{ALINK(pagename=>PAGENAME, aname=>ANCHORNAME)}text here{ALINK}


  • PAGENAME = A wiki page name (such as HomePage)
  • ANCHORNAME = A named anchor that you created with the {ANAME} plugin.



> How can I call an internal anchor defined by aname from another tikiwiki page ??
> Reading the documentation
> http://tikiwiki.org/PluginAnchors
> it ends saying in the to do list
> "Also, to get PageName#anchor to work so that one can link to an anchor from another wiki page. "
> But it was 2 years ago..
> I tryed this syntax, and it does noy work.
> Is there any way to do that ?

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