Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Search Functionality

posts: 3665 United States

There are 100s of search engines that you could use instead (see http://www.searchtools.com/), but (and this is the issue that I've had)... How do you incorporate Tiki's security/permissions into these third-party tools. The ones that I've played with will spider the site as an Anonymous user only. The one nice thing about Tiki's search engine is that it fitlers your results based on the page's permissions — you'll only see the results that you have permission to see.

If anyone has found a better search engine that respects object permissions, I'd love to hear about it, too!


> Hi,
> We need to implement a Search functionality on our Wiki site that allows:
> - Searching for all words of a search
> - Searching for the exact phrase
> - Searching for any one of the words
> - Operators to perform search. For example, OR to search either of the words, AND to perform both of the words, and Double quotes (" ") to search for the exact phrase.
> Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Arun.

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