Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Tiki-feasible?

posts: 3665 United States

> I am trying to create an international community.
> I am seeking opinions on whether what I wish to create can be done using Tikiwiki...and whether it is feasible using components that currently exist and are functional. I did read the features listed, but was not sure how some of them worked, or whether they were all functional.
> I want to create a site where:
> *users may mimic Digg and other bookmarking sites by submitting a URL to an interesting article, and the community can rate it for usefulness and also leave comments.

You could use Tiki's Directory feature for this, but directory entries cannot be "voted" or "commented" upon. Instead, you could simply let folks add a wiki page for each URL to be submitted. The wiki pages can be voted upon and commented. You can then use the category system to help organize the pages.

> *users may contribute original articles, and the community can rate the articles for usefulness, and leave comments.

You can use wiki pages or articles.

> *users can submit video materials such as youtubes, and these can be rated, and comments can be left.
> *URLs, articles, and videos can be ranked and listed in a top Ten.

Again, wiki pages would work (the videos could be added as "attachments" to the wiki page) or maybe file galleries.

> *TopTen can be seen on the "front page", along with recent submissions.

Use modules to add this information to the front page:

  • Last modified pages
  • Most popular pages
  • Etc.

> *users can be rewarded with a point system, with points earned for submitting URLs/articles/videos, for rating other people's submissions, for making posts into a forum, and for contributing to community development.

I believe that Tiki's community feature has a scoring system, but I have not used it.

> *there will be separate groups for people for different countries, with the capacity for them to use their native languages in those groups.

Tiki supports lots of internationalization options for multilingual sites.

> The last thing I need to know is whether it would be sheer lunacy to think that a person with no programming skills or experience other than basic HTML would be able to configure such a site using Tikiwiki.

Absolutely... that's the beauty of Tiki

> Thank you for any insights you could offer.



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