Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: Entire wiki blank! Help!!!

posts: 4656 Japan

As far as I know, the Adsense module that comes with Tiki doesn't work, and hasn't worked for quite a while. The comments on the Module Adsense wiki page referred to in your post point to a forum thread that discusses this (a long roundabout way to a solution, for sure). The alternative Adsense2 module seems to work for people. I just edited the Adsense page here to point out the problem and will talk to somebody about the module in the Tiki package being fixed or dropped.

Even if things aren't displaying at your site, you haven't lost anything. The content is still in the database. What needs to be done is turn off or edit out the module that's causing the display problem and things will be back to normal. Where was the module? In a wiki page or in a side column?

-- Gary

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