Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: using tree structures and toc

posts: 4656 Japan

In recent Tiki versions (not sure how recent, but in 1.9.7 this works) you can make a new module that has data like this:

{wikistructure id=1}

This will make a {toc} style list for the stucture that you specify the id for. I think this only works in a module, so to put it in a wiki page, you'll have to first make the module and then use the module plugin to put the module in the wikipage. I don't know if you can put the tag for more than one wikistructure id in a module, or if you'll have to make a separate modules for each structure. If you are using an older Tiki version, you'll probably have to update it first.

-- Gary

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