

Re: Re: international URLs

posts: 4656 Japan

> The difference is not in the xml headers

Well, they are different, with mediawiki's specifying a non-ascii language character set, which suggests to me they could be a factor.

> mediawiki uses the following format of internal links : /wiki/BlahBlah
> Such links are showed unencoded in address bar of most browsers.
> TikiWiki uses links in format : /tiki-index.php?page=XX
> They are shown UTF-8 encoded when title contain international letters.
> Is it possible to change format of Tiki links to mediawiki variant ?

Sure, just rename the _htaccess file in the Tiki root to .htaccess and Apache URL rewriting is activated, as at this site. But I'm afraid that doesn't stop international page names from being encoded. (See http://zukakakina.com/???. Page name and thus URL contain Japanese kanji for "nihongo". Page name is displayed correctly on the page and but encoded in the URL. When accessing that address, the URL is displayed correctly in my browser address gadget, but I get a page not found error indicating the URL wasn't correctly correlated to a page name.)

-- gary_c

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