Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Re: Repositiong Quicktags

posts: 4656 Japan

> Now Quicktags looks like it has a few, more advanced features, so I wonder if it will still be around even after FCK Editor is implemented. For everyday text editing though, I think you'll find FCK editor very nice to work with.

I'm sure Quicktags will still be around, since, although maybe it's masochistic, some people like to do wiki page formatting by hand but probably like the Quicktags assistance wink. Also, the last I heard, FCKeditor outputs HTML syntax, not wiki, so I'm not sure what this means for sites where HTML is turned off by default. And one other thing is that FCKeditor didn't work with Opera the last time I checked (this'll be a factor for some people). Anyway, it'll be great to have the choice so people can be happy no matter what their editing preferences.

-- Gary

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