

Update php.ini

posts: 25 Canada

I changed the upload_max_file setting in the php.ini file, but the tiki-phpinfo.php does not report any changes.

Line changed from 2M to: upload_max_filesize = 25M ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files

I just double checked: this came from the php.ini file residing in the root directory (in this case it is /public_html) not the tiki directory.

So, now I have some questions:

1) Is it possible there might be more than one php.ini file? (i.e., in a directory created by a tiki installation?)

2) Is it possible the new values have to be refreshed, if so how do I do that?

3) is it possible there are other settings that need changing (though this doesn't make sense because the phpinfo.php still shows the old 2M setting).



posts: 1633 Canada

tiki-phpinfo.php should show the path to php.ini which is being used.

M ;-)