

Re: Re: CSS Validation - Automatic Fixes? My Site displays horribly in Firefox.


> TD#centercolumn {
> background: #94bbff;
> vertical-align: top;
> width: 98%;
> }

The center column table cell appears to be doing as instructed, going way wide, which may be the cause of the problem. I don't think there's a need to specify a width here.

> div.wikitext {
> background-color: white;
> background-image: url(ring-bound_bkgd.gif);
> font-family:
> Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif,
> Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
> font-size: 14px;
> border: 1px solid #0070BB;
> padding-left: 32px;
> padding-right: 28px;
> padding-top: 8px;
> padding-bottom: 2px;
> margin-left: 0px;
> margin-right: 0px;
> margin-top: 0px;
> margin-bottom: 1px;
> width: 90%;
> clear: both;
> }

Only one of the font types will be used (serif or sans-serif) since all computers have both as far as I know. The first one specified that is found on the computer is used, so the other won't ever be. You should decide which you want the wikitext to be and delete the other. This isn't causing an error, but is unnecessary overhead in the file. Also, if you want to reduce the file size of you CSS file, the padding specifications can be shortened like this:

padding: 8px 28px 2px 32px;

Browsers understand that the padding is listed in the sequence top, right, bottom, left, and a handy mnuemonic device for that is "TRouBLe".

-- Gary

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