

Re: Re: Re: Get rid of phplayers errors in absE Theme?


> ....
> Think I may stay away from this theme. Seems to be problematic.

There's nothing problematic about the theme. Those PHP Layers messages will appear with any theme if a) Tiki finds a PHP Layers menu tag in a template but PHP Layers are not turned on, and b) there isn't a menu id set already that matches the id that is specified in the PHP Layers menu tag.

I specifically put the PHP Layers menu tag in the Site Identity custom code in the absE theme so that it could be turned on and configured (menu id specified) by the user without the template editing that was necessary before. As far as I can tell, if you got those error messages, it's because the custom code was activated but the compontents it was expecting weren't turned on or configured. I'll have another look at the documentation to see if the process can be explained better.

-- Gary

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