Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Special Menus for Each Group

posts: 4656 Japan

When you say "private pages," I assume this doesn't mean wiki pages that the users are denied permission to see. Users should only see listed the pages that they have permission to view (WYSIWYCA - "what you see is what you can access" is the goal here anyway). Where (what menu) are there things listed that can't be viewed?

The full menu probably isn't appropriate for many sites, so the thing to do is create one or more custom menus. See http://doc.tikiwiki.org/menus for the docs on this topic.

One method would be to make a custom menu and assign viewability for each menu item. If you check the Admin Menus page (click a menu's "options" icon), there are "Permissions" and "Group" columns for each menu item. Here you can set the permission necessary and the group(s) the permission applies to, for each menu item. In this way, you only need one menu, and its items are shown selectively according to the visibility you assign.

A second method is to make separate menus for each group, and then make a custom module for each menu. When you configure the display of the modules, setting which column and what position, you can also select the Group that can see the module. Only the groups that are indicated will be shown the module.

An alternative to the standard Tiki Admin Menu approach is to write up a simple wiki page with the links, and use the "menupage" module as described here: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Module+menupage. Again, assign the module to the groups intended to see it.

-- Gary

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